Happy Son’s Day is an occasion to celebrate the bond between a son and his parents. It’s also a day for expressing gratitude, love, appreciation and admiration towards sons who have grown up into wonderful individuals. On this special day we honor our beloved sons with thoughtful messages of thanksgiving that will make them feel loved and appreciated by their families. Here are 20 Happy Son’s Day wishes, 20 Messages & Quotes:

Son’s Day Wishes
Wishing you all the happiness in life on your special day! Happy Sons’Day!
May God bless you abundantly today and always my dear son! Have a great happy Sons’Day celebration!
I hope every moment of your life is filled with joyous memories on this very beautiful occasion – wishing you lots of fun-filled moments ahead. Happy Sons’day!
Sending warm hugs from miles away as I wish my dearest son loads of success, love and cheerfulness. Have A Lovely son’s DAY!!
You bring so much sunshine into our lives – thank u 4 being such an amazing person…happy son’s day !!
My dearest boy may ur days b full of laughter and smiles forever. Happy Sonday!!
On this special day, I want to thank you for being such a wonderful son. Wishing u all the best on your happy Sons’Day!
Sending lots of love and well wishes as we celebrate our very own Happy Son’s Day..May God bless u always my dear son !!
May each n every moment be filled with joyous memories today…happy son’s day!!!
Here’s wishing that our bond grows stronger than ever before – have an amazing son’s day celebration!
Son’s Day Messages
You are one in a million – so blessed & proud to call U mine ..Have A Great HAPPYSONSDAY!!
To the most handsome boy who has made us feel so loved and cherished…Wish U loads of happiness 4ever.HAPPSONDAYS
Words cannot express how much pride I fill when I see what an incredible person u r becoming …lovely happysondays
Today is just another reminder that no matter where life takes you, you will always remain, close heart…. have lovely happy sons day
No gift can compare2the unconditional love u have showered on us. Have A Wonderful HAPPYSONSDAY!!
Here’s wishing that all ur dreams come true and that you become the best version of yourself…Happy Sons’day to U my dear son !!
Sending lots of love and well wishes as we celebrate your very own Happy Son’s Day. May God bless you always, my dearest son!
On this special day I want to thank you for being such a wonderful person in our lives – Have an amazing Sons day celebration!
You bring so much joy into our life – thank u 4 being such an incredible human…happy son’s day!!!
My dearest boy may your days be full of laughter & smiles forever….Wishing U loads of happiness today & always.HAPPSONDAY
Son’s Day Quotes
“The greatest thing a father can do for his children is just simply to love them.” — Robert Moorehead
“A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father.”— Gabriel Garcia Marquez
“No music is so pleasant to my ears that which speaks from fathers to their children” ― Jean Paul Richter
“The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”— Theodore Hesburgh
“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: he believed in me.” — Jim Valvano
“A real man loves his wife and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing has brought metmorepeaceand contentment in life than simply being a good husband and father” ―Frank Abagnale
“The heart of a Fatheristhe masterpiece of nature.— Antoine Fénelon
“One night a father overheard his son pray: “DearGodmakemethe kind of man my Daddy is”. The father was so touched & pleased that he also prayed,” Dear God make me the kind Of Man my Son wants Me To Be”
“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the tenderness that a well-loved child brings to its parents”—Bowlby
“It doesn’t matter who my father was it matters who I remember he was to be”- Anne Sexton
Happy Son’s Day is a special day to honor the bond between sons and their parents. It’s also an opportunity for expressing gratitude, love, appreciation and admiration towards our beloved sons who have grown up into wonderful individuals. We hope these 20 Happy Sons’Day Wishes, Messages & Quotes will help you express your feelings of thankfulness on this very meaningful occasion!